Push your control system to a new level  

Based on our long experience of the different processes of heat treatment of steel coils, we are permanently improving our control system to provide the best performance. A powerful control of the process is mandatory for the product quality but the control system is also capable of anticipating various undesirable phenomena inherent to the heat treatment. Our expertise on control system is wide and can help you improve existing control system in various ways.

  • Drever International has helped many of its customers migrate their old/obsolete systems to a completely up-to-date system. These migrations have been carried out with a perfect commissioning and with minimal downtime. 
  • Optimising production through automation and process control 
    In 2009 Drever International introduced the combination of On/Off control with proportion control for the burners installed on double P-shape radiant tubes. The results of this first experience were very promising from the point of view of controllability and flexibility of the equipment. 

    The idea was then extended to the burners installed on W-shape radiant tubes. The flexible proportional power control, able to be used either with fuel gas of very low LCV or with gas of varying composition, has been transformed to operate partly in On/Off mode. 
    The system has been named On/Off+. It takes advantage of the On/Off features as well as of the modulating control benefits. 
    The control system developed by Drever International helps optimize the consumption at low load. 
    The measurements conducted on site have shown, on the one hand, that the emission of NOx can be decreased and, on the other hand, that the fuel gas consumption can be reduced. 
    Drever International is continuously committed to improving its equipment and to set the benchmarks in the furnace design.